soap today
e4035ede Regulator of power of a ray of light of headlights

Cars with left-side management

Cars with right-hand management

To adjust the power of a ray of light of headlights, turn the switch.

The list of examples of appropriate installations of the switch is given below. For conditions of loading, excellent from provided in the list, adjust position of the switch so that the power of a beam was same as well as in case in the car there is one driver. The number of position of the switch is higher, the power of a ray of light of headlights is less.

Always support the appropriate power of a ray of light of headlights, otherwise headlights can blind drivers of other vehicles.

Loading conditions
Position of the switch
Only driver
The driver + the passenger on a front seat
All passengers (including the driver)
All passengers (including the driver) + full loading of a luggage carrier
Driver + full loading of a luggage carrier