
3.4.3. Rechargeable battery

Launch of the engine in emergency situations

See subsection 1.2.6.


1. Disconnect both cables from the battery, having begun with a negative pole.
2. Check the color indicator. If the indicator of black color, then charge the battery. Check tension which has to be 11,5-12,0 B (previously, before shutdown of the battery, it is recommended it is necessary to turn on driving beam of headlights on 10 with, to turn off the light and other consumers).
3. Periodically it is necessary to check the battery the special load device. At the room temperature tension on the battery should not fall lower than 9,6 Century.


1. Disconnect cables from the battery.
2. Unscrew nuts of fastening (arrow) and disconnect a fastening collar, remove the battery.
3. When replacing the battery be convinced that parameters of the new battery (dimensions, the capacity and current of return) just the same, as at replaced.