
12.1.3. Safety locks

Arrangement of the block of safety locks (Avalon)

The block of safety locks on the Avalon cars is mounted under the dashboard to the left of a steering column.

Block of the relay and safety locks (Solara and Camry)

On the Solara and Camry cars the uniform block of the relay and safety locks is located in a motor compartment. On the Avalon cars blocks of the relay and safety locks separate.

Relay arrangement

Some relays are mounted near a suspension bracket cap from the driver.

Chains of electric equipment of the car are protected by safety locks, breakers or fusible crossing points. The assembly block of safety locks is mounted in salon or in a motor compartment, depending on year of release and model of the car.

Safety locks are established on contacts of knife type and get by hand.

The fused safety lock easily is found on appearance.

It is also possible to check tension on conclusions. The safety lock fused if the voltmeter shows tension. To replace a safety lock get faulty and insert new, having pushed it into a nest.

The rated current of a new safety lock has to correspond in accuracy to current of replaced. The rated current is specified on a safety lock. It is forbidden to use wire pieces instead of a safety lock. If the new safety lock immediately fuses, then find the reason and eliminate. As a rule burn-out is caused by short circuit of wires because of an isolation mastication.