
9.1.13. Levers of a back suspension bracket


1. Lift a back part of the car and establish on supports, block forward wheels. Remove a back wheel.
2. Disconnect a suspension bracket rack from an arm.
3. Remove average section of an exhaust pipe.
4. Turn off a nut and remove a bolt of fastening of the lever of a suspension bracket to an arm.
5. Turn off the lower nut and remove a bolt of fastening of the lever to a suspension bracket cross-piece.
6. Remove the N2 lever.
7. Remove collars of plugs of the stabilizer.
8. Remove terminal section of an exhaust pipe.
9. Remove the N1 lever.


1. Installation of levers of a suspension bracket is carried out upside-down. Tighten all threaded connections with the set moments.
2. Establish a wheel.
3. Check and if necessary adjust the angles of installation of back wheels in car service.